Environmental sciences, curriculum, local community, schoolAbstract
In Romania, in the rural areas, the curriculum of high school level can be related to the local community’s necessities and interests, but also to the local resources through the segment of the curriculum for local community development. We present our school experiences in this field, using like case study the educational module of Pollution and environmental protection in the rural area. This course is designate for the students from classes of technology high schools. The scientific component of the education through this course follows to assess the quality of air, soil and waters in our villages, learning about pollution’s impact on organisms’ health and ecosystems’ functions, to identify and elaborate a monitoring scheme for the local pollution sources, but also to develop a control system of environmental qualities, to implement mechanism to reduce the pollution impact and to improve the quality of environmental parameters in our villages. About 50% of classes are rolled outside of classroom, like fieldwork activity in the school’s vicinity but also in different points inside the villages and in its vicinity. The evaluation process using individual working sheets, but also team working projects on topics related to pollution problems in our villages’ area.Downloads
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