mathematical competences, structural equation model and causal modelAbstract
In this paper, authors defined mathematical competences for 7th year elementary school. The basic objective was to measure the mathematical competence or mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities in mathematical educations. Mathematical competences were grouped in following areas: Algebra and functions, Space and shapes, Measurements and Data. Statistical set for the research consisted of 48 children from the Elementary school Dr. Ivan Merz in Zagreb, Croatia. Authors had 15 measuring variables together with the evaluated results of described tasks. With statistical set with variables as measured mathematical competences the authors make the causal structural equation model (SEM) of mathematical competences. The authors use free software Tetrad 5.2.1-3 (Tetrad project 2015). In the results we describe structural equations between the mathematical competitions for 7th year elementary school children. This paper is a result of our previous research on causal modeling of mathematical competences in kindergarten (Tepeš at. all. 2013, 2014 and 2015)Downloads
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