Amgen teach project, european union, science educationAbstract
EU has often prepared various projects in last years to provide for each student a qualified science education. These projects which are about science education have been prepared by European Schoolnet. Amgen Teach Project is one of these projects. The purpose of this research is to provide information about Amgen Teach Project devoloped by EU and to specify the importance of process in learning and teaching science. This project has been realized by collaboration with European Schoolnet and Amgen organisation. The main target of this project is to contribute science teacher’s professional progress in secondary school and increasing student’s interest in science with “Inquiry-Based Science Education” approach. Amgen Teach Project is being carried on throughout the ten European countries after having implemented its practices for two years in four European countries. In this context, it has been organised workshops in Brussels to be benefited as possible as for more teachers. In these workshops, it has been worked out on new approachs in science education and it is carried out some events and practices toward the function and importance of technology in science education. It is explained the context of Amgen Teach Project, effective using of “Inquiry Based Science Education” approach and the function and importance of tecnology in science education to the teachers who come from different European countries. Through this project, teachers who belong to the different education culture can share their knowledges by sharing their experiences. At the end of this research there have been reached some propositions on science education.Downloads
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