Content, Content Selection, CurriculumPrinciplesAbstract
Content as an element of the curriculum plays a very important role in achieving the goals of education in society and is viewed as a key element in all approaches and perspectives. In view of the importance of content in curriculum decision-making, different criteria and measures have been offered by experts for its selection and development. This article was aimed at reviewing and analyzing these criteria and measures along with providing a set of practical criteria to select curriculum content in primary education. In this paper, after analyzing the content of books and articles available, criteria for content selection based on scientific principles of curriculum development was presented under three categories as consolidated content criteria.In philosophical criteria, appropriateness of content with the values and goals, scientific disciplines, and valid knowledge, in psychological criteria,overall growth including physical growth,etc., attention to specificlearning problems, interests and talents, and the needs of learners, in social and cultural criteria, cultural heritage, issues and needs of the local and national community, ethnic and cultural characteristics and appropriateness withglobal issues and communications,and in economic criteria, fitness ofcontent with the facilities available in the school and the region, appropriateness of content with the budget and operating costs have been recognized andpresented as criteria for the appropriateness of content selection.Downloads
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