ICT, indicators, standards, methods, implementationAbstract
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has a great importance in all aspects of life, including education as well. With the fast technology progress, its implementation in education is inevitable. This paper shows the implementation of ICT in education, beginning with its definition, indicators, techniques and methods of implementation, the obstacles that the implementation faces, and some good implementation practices performed in Mathematics. All the above mentioned aspects are described in this paper including the cycle of subject organization through ICT, which is followed by the creation of electronic files for teachers and students illustrated by an example of the way of organizing these files. There is also discussed for the lesson planning in Mathematics using available applications for each teacher in the R. of Macedonia. This research covers the teachers of the R. of Macedonia of different ages which come both from elementary and high schools. We show the level of Information and Communications Technology usage in education; the obstacles for not implementing it by the teachers; the ways of communication between the teachers; student arrangement and grouping while using Information and Communications Technology; types of applications that the students use; the impact of the ICT on the students; the impact of the ICT on the role of the teacher; the ways of evaluating the students’ work by using ICT. Some of the results found by this research are compared by the results found by the research done by the Institute for Applied Social Science(ITS) with teachers from Germany, Ireland, Spain, Netherlands and Belgium.Downloads
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