English learning, augmenten realityAbstract
One of the main aims in Foreign Language Teaching is to actualize natural and entertaining educational environment. Foreign Language Teaching Activities should stress on motivational goals furthering interests and motivation of learners and minimizing their anxiety in language teaching activities. So as to adopt that, these activities should be designed to incite students’ interests, curiosity and include some diverse alternatives from school textbooks to handheld technological devices and other electronic appliances. The alternatives for educational purposes may multiply in results of innovations and individual’s access to technologies in surrounding educational environment. For the purpose, application of technological innovations and handheld technological devices should bridge the gap between real world and virtual world. In the study, a technological innovation called “Augmented Reality (AR)” is applied. The purpose of the study is to determine attitudes of learners towards AR Application which enables learners to improve their listening skills and promote the motivation towards listening acitivities by using smart phones and tablets. The study focuses on AR assisted learning with listening acitivities in school textbooks. Data were collected from 60 students in a secondary school by using 15 items of the “Augmented Reality Applications Attitude Scale In Secondary Schools” scale. For this AR educational application, three English Language teachers’ opinions were consulted. It is assumed that the prototype of the AR educational system will enlarge students’ motivation towards listening activities and listening competence and pave the way for a new teaching activity assisted with AR technology in foreign language teaching by shifting time and place of education and learning.Downloads
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