Online assignment, usability, LMS, mixed methodAbstract
Just as in all aspects of our lives, technological advancements have had an impact on traditional methods and techniques in education. The crucial reflections of this transformation in education have shown themselves in the increase of distance education and in the online content sharing, testing and assignment taking traditional methods' place. Online assignment is a model where tasks are given, student responses are submitted, results and feedback are shared on web. The usability of this web-based assignment system should be explored in order to use it effectively in class, identify and solve the problematic issues, and increase both instructors' and students' level of satisfaction. The aim of this study is to investigate the usability of web-based assignment system implemented in a vocational college. For research purposes, System Usability Scale scores of students were examined and students' opinions on web-based assignment were received to identify the points on its usability. In this mixed-design research, data were collected online from System Usability Scale (SUS) and students' responses to open-ended questions. The participants were 204 post-secondary students enrolling at a vocational college during first semester of 2015-2016 Academic Year. Descriptive statistics and t-test were used in data analyses. The average score of 67.14 from SUS application showed that the system can be used. No significant difference was observed between first and second grades. The results of the qualitative analysis of those responses given to open-ended questions revealed that students enjoyed the system, instructor feedback had a motivating effect, but they had challenges owing to absence of enough time and difficulty at having access to computers and web-based assignment system. The results also showed that web-based assignments could be effectively used, but the ease of students' access to computers and internet should be taken into account before utilization.Downloads
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