Teacher, roboticAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to determine the opinions of teachers about robotics. This research aims to explore knowledge level and opinions of teachers in regard with robotic applications. In this research one group pretest‐posttest design is used. The study group of this research consists of 20 teachers. “Robotic Pre-test”, “Robotics Satisfaction Test”, “Personal Information Form” and a semi-structured interview from developed in accordance with the literature were used to collect the data. In the analysis of the data obtained, descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage distribution) were used to evaluate Robotics Pre-Test and Robotics Satisfaction Test; inductive content analysis was used to analyze the interview data. According to the findings of this study, knowledge level and opinions of teachers in regard with robotics and how they see robotics as a method in education were determined. At end of the study, it was eventually found that teachers have very positive thoughts about robotics. Robotic applications appear to increase their self-belief and confidence.Downloads
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