Nature of technology, scale development, reliability, validityAbstract
The purpose of the present study was to adapt the instrument for assessing students’ concepts of the nature of technology scale developed by Pey-Yan Liou to Turkish language in order to assess its reliability and validity, and to analyse the gender and school differences. The scale consists of 29 items and six sub-dimensions named technology as artifacts, technology as an innovative change, the current role of technology in society, technology as a double-edged sword, history of technology, and technology as a science-based form. Data in this study were collected from a total number of 360 students studying at four different high schools. Validity and reliability studies were carried out. As part of validity studies expert opinion was collected, linguistic equivalence and confirmatory factor analysis were used. As part of reliability studies Cronbach Alpha’s coefficient of internal consistency was calculated. In accordance with the analyses carried out in this study, the scale was adapted to Turkish language as a valid and reliable scale.Downloads
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