Learning management system (LMS), m-learning, e-learning, exam engine, access controlAbstract
E-learning has been adopted broadly by various institutions all over the world. However, the expansion of mobile devices creates a new form of E-learning, called m-learning. M-learning encompasses all learning delivered via mobile devices. It helps to make the learning process learner-centered by promoting “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) model of learning technology. Despite ever increasing demand for it among students, m-learning lacks teachers and/or institutions confidence who are accustomed to use e-learning systems such as LMSs. Moodbile project was the first attempt to find a moderate solution between the two parties by the integration of m-learning initiatives with LMSs. On the other hand, M-learning has unique security requirements especially for conducting exams. For that, we have designed a Secure Exam Management System (SEMS) as a service extension to Moodbile. SEMS enables mobile exams to be conducted securely (as cheat-free as possible). This paper discusses the design principles of SEMS. It also presents the results of a survey about students/teachers acceptance and confidence to adopt such exam systems.Downloads
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