English teaching, ICT applications, language skills, educational technologyAbstract
Language teaching and learning are becoming more sophisticated day by day thanks to application of technological innovations in classroom practice. In recent past, the number of applications of ICT in English teaching and learning have been increased. The researches over English teaching with information and communication technology (ICT) suggest some evidence as to positive effects of the use of information and communication technology (ICT) on students’ learning (Mumtaz, 2000).English language teachers have a tendency to use ICT as a tool to practice structural purposes, teaching unknown words, speaking and pronunciation, reading comprehension ,writing, listening. The aim of the review is to provide an insight on which ICT applications are used in English teaching in practice and categorize ICT applications in relation to language skills and knowledge such as speaking, writing, listening, pronunciation and vocabulary and to examine effects of ICT applications on student achievement by investigating the literature involving ICT applications in other countries. It was determined that 12 doctoral dissertations and 25 papers, 7 master theses related to ICT applications and English skills and impact on students’ achievements in ICT applications of English were included. In this research, the researchers assessed theses and papers including ICT applications in English teaching, impact of ICT on achievement in English lesson and technologies which applied in ICT. To investigate doctoral dissertations, master theses and papers from 2004 to 2016, document review was used. The findings suggested that ICT applications for vocabulary teaching was the most widespread English teachers and researchers used “Mobile Learning” based applications mostly; as to impact of ICT on students’ achievement in English teaching, it was found that engagement and facilitiate English learning statements were frequently stated between 2004 and 2016.Downloads
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