Concept map, education, powerpoint, presentations, PreziAbstract
Using presentation software to support lectures and presentations has become ubiquitous in the whole vertical of education. The most applied presentation in our area is PowerPoint, but Prezi made a free-flowing presentation to give the effect of zooming. The Prezi application is combining creative thinking with facilities of modern technology, which leads to an interactive and highly customised presentation, structured approximately like a mind map. For education purposes, Prezi presentations are available free of charge. However, in our area, only a few students and teachers use Prezi presentation. They do not use it because they are familiar with PowerPoint presentation or they do not know the Prezi presentation. Some significant differences in learning outcomes, self-efficacy, cognitive load and motivational variables between PowerPoint and Prezi presentation are presented in this paper. This paper also shows advantages and disadvantages of Prezi and PowerPoint presentations.Downloads
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