Physicist, physics course, image, word association testAbstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the pre-service science teachers’ images of physicist and physics course. A total of 69 students, who were studying in primary science teaching at the Education Faculty of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University in Turkey. The data were collected using Word Association Test. Response words with the same meaning were classified under the most frequently repeated words. Words less than two times and those words that could not be associated were considered as irrelevant and were excluded. After contents have been analyzed, the frequency of the response words has been calculated and categorized. Participants’ associations of the term physicist were arranged into four categories. Participants’ associations of the term physics course were arranged into six categories. According to results, most of the participants related to personal character of physicist. More than half of the participants’ images are that physics course is difficult and most of them have negative attitudes towards physics course.Downloads
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