Integration, mathematics, science, knowledges, pedagogyAbstract
The level and complexity of knowledge held by a teacher affects what is done in classrooms and, as a consequence, also influences what students learn (Fennema and Franke 1992). Integrating mathematics and science requires the teacher in question to have a certain level of both content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge to educate students in both disciplines successfully (Frykholm and Glasson 2005). Consequently, the knowledges required to effectively instruct students in an integrated setting is a vital element of the successful implementation of such lessons. Research indicates that a teacher’s content knowledge in the subjects he/she teaches is of utmost importance, this translates to an integrative setting – content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge within both mathematics and science must be of a high standard to implement these lessons successfully. This can be achieved through provision of the relevant resources, a working support structure, and teacher training.Downloads
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