Distance education, mobile learning, adobe connect, openmeetingsAbstract
Education is a process aimed at changing behaviors in the way desired and planned. It is expected to see some changes at the end of the education process in the behaviors, qualities and knowledge of the persons. Some answers are sought for the question; how to give better education or instruction to keep these expectations up. As a result of the researches, there has appeared the concept of “education everywhere” (distance education) due to developments in new technological instruction techniques. Distance education is a platform where lessons are done in a total virtual world by videos, sounds in interactive way. There have been some drastic changes in education arena due to developments in mobile devices and internet. These technological developments changed the roles of teaching personnel and put them into mediator role of presenting meaning construction and interaction. In distance education, students and lecturers are not in the same place. However, teaching and learning process is better as the process is maintained online and interactive. At the end of this process, students are expected to be self-producing and self-managing persons. Integrating distance education into mobile devices does not only provide a way for unlimited access to required information but also makes distance education independent of time and place. There are several software products to form online classes in distance education. In this paper, strong and weak aspects of Adobe Connect and OpenMeetings software used for online classes in distance education will be examined together with their mobile uses.Downloads
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