Artificial neural networks, simulation, web basedAbstract
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is an important data processing algorithm for students, researches, scientist, mathematicians, academicians and engineers which is inspired by human brain and human brain’s learning methods. Complex nature and mathematical structures of ANN makes it difficult to learn. Due to this reason, new methods have to be employed to teach ANN. In this study, we design and develop web based educational software which combines advantages of examined works to teach artificial neural networks with the support of multimedia course content. In addition, relevant studies such as Neuro-Lab, EasyLearnNN, NeuroFuzz and related most popular professional commercial tools such as MATLAB, Statistica, Mathematica, NeuroSolutions, JOONE are also examined. Developed software will help researchers from students to scientist to train, test an ANN model and understand fundamentals of ANN.Downloads
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