Teacher training courses, science teacher candidates, mathhematics teacher candidatesAbstract
This study was aimed to determined opinions of teacher candidates about their teacher training courses. Research sample consisted of 222 senior, who studied Science Education (n=170) and Mathematic Education (n=52) Departments. The data collected by asking courses that teacher candidates think they will not contribute to the teaching profession and think they should be in teacher training program. Teacher candidates’ answers were analyzed by using content analysis. After content analysis, courses are considered that they do not contribute to the teaching profession were examined under four categories which are field, field training, liberal education, pedagogical knowledge. Also, courses are considered that should be in teacher education were examined under six categories that are art, personel development, sport, technology, field/ field training, foreign language. In the conclusion, it was seen teacher candidates in both departments want to learn basic concepts that they will use when they are teacher in their field.Downloads
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