Learning Through Exploration and Research

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  • Andreja MARZI


Chemical water attributes, Research assignment


Potable water, one of the crucial natural resources, is becoming increasingly affected by pollution, which is putting people’s health at risk. As part of the extra-curricular activity Chemistry Club, we tackled the investigation of water resources in the vicinity of our school. Research that is integrated into the learning process should come to resemble real scientific research. Exploration and research provide the student with an opportunity to form knowledge in an active learning process – through research work, while they also help us achieve a major contemporary educational goal, that is the development of natural sciences literacy.  Through research assignment we focused on brooks and water wells, where we measured chemical attributes of water. With the help of the colorimetric method we established the concentration of nitrates, nitrites, ammonium ions and phosphates as well as the pH value. We found out that chemical water attributes did not exceed the permitted levels set by regulations for potable water. 




How to Cite

MARZI, A. (2019). Learning Through Exploration and Research. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 13, 44–49. Retrieved from https://epess.net/index.php/epess/article/view/506


