Mixing Languages in the Spoken Discourse of the Algerian Radio Broadcasters: a Strategy for an Effective Communication
Arabic varieties, Algerian Arabic, Language contact, Code mixing, Communicative strategyAbstract
Mixing between many languages and varieties constitutes the strategy of communication adopted by the Algerian radio broadcasters to address people from different backgrounds. This paper sheds light on the particularity of this mixed code which; in addition to Arabic language; contains borrowed words from other languages especially French, Spanish and Turkish words. These words, which are spoken and rarely written, slipped into the oral speech of the Algerian radio broadcasters, some being adapted morphologically and phonologically and others being used with no modification. Mixing between all these languages gives birth to a specific variety of Arabic called Algerian Arabic which is understood by everyone. On the basis of various spoken texts involving mixing between the languages already cited, this paper stresses then the historical and socio-cultural factors responsible for this language contact situation in which Algerian radio broadcasters do not use what could be called pure Arabic. It is suggested to maintain this particular code in the spoken discourse of the Algerian radio broadcasters because it reflects the Algerian history, culture and identity.Downloads
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