The Evaluation of the Relationship between the Academic Achievement of Social Studies Teacher Candidates and Their Attitudes towards Environment
Teacher candidates, Attitude, Environmental educationAbstract
The century that we left behind took its place in the history books as a century of urbanization, industrialization, information and development, where there were many discoveries and breakthroughs in science and technology, and many global changes in human history. In order to provide an original environmental education, firstly educators who can give this education should be trained. The training of teachers who will train generations to decide on the environment in the future constitutes one of the most important stages of environmental education which is expected to be given to all segments of the society for life. Therefore, the relationship between education and the environmental problems in the last quarter of the century will be examined again; the sensitivity of teachers, schools, curriculums to environmental awareness and the ability to raise individuals with high environmental awareness has been questioned again. The aim of this study is; The aim of the course is to determine the level of relationship between the academic achievement of the social studies teacher candidates and their attitudes towards the environment. In this study, qualitative research methods, relational scanning technique has benefited from. The study group of research Nizip, Gaziantep University, Faculty of education social studies were conducted with students who studied at 12. Data from semi-structured interview were analyzed according to the responses given from the form. According to the results, it is observed that the sensitivity towards the environment is higher in female students with higher academic achievement, and that teacher candidates' attitudes towards environmental behavior and environment and their attitudes towards environment are above medium level and positive.Downloads
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