The Effects of the Flipped Classroom and Peer Instructional Models on Learning Calculus
Flipped classroom, Peer instructional classroom, Calculus, Mathematics educationAbstract
This study investigated the effects of the flipped classroom and peer instructional pedagogical models on students' achievements in Calculus for Business courses. One hundred eight students participated in the study and were divided into three groups. The Control group (35) was taught according to the traditional model; the first experimental group was taught according to the flipped classroom model (36); and the second experimental group was taught according to both the flipped classroom and the peer instruction models (37). Students in the experimental groups watched recorded lecture videos on Blackboard and solved an online pre-assignment before coming to class. A quasi-experimental design was implemented and two research instruments were designed and used; a pre- and post-tests. All the participants took a pre- test during the first week of the semester and completed a post-test after the treatment during the fourteenth week. The results of this study showed that students’ achievements in the peer instructional classroom surpassed those of students in the other two sections.Downloads
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