Examintion of Integrated Stem Education in Physics: Students’ Attitude towards Stem
STEM education, PhysicsAbstract
In this study, effects of STEM Education on the attitudes of students towards STEM education was examined. In the first semester of the 2018-2019 academic year, the study was carried out with 65 students attending the 7th grade of a public school in Istanbul. The experimental group consisted of 31 students and the control group consisted of 34 students. STEM course was conducted between 28 November and 11 January. In this research, pre - test post - test experimental design with control group was used. STEM Attitude Scale was used as data collection tool. This scale was applied to both groups as a pre-test and then a post-test to measure and compare the effect of STEM activities. When the quantitative data were analyzed, it was seen that integrated STEM education had a positive effect on STEM attitudes of students.Downloads
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