The Effect of Augmented Reality Applications on the Attitudes of Middle School Students towards Astronomy

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  • Samet KAYNAK


Agumented reality, Astronomy education, Attitude, Solar system unit


In this study, the effect of augmented reality applications on students ' attitudes towards astronomy was investigated. In this study, seventh grade students studying in two different classes in a public school were used. One of the classes was determined as a control group and the other class was determined as an experimental group. Astronomy Attitude Scale was used as data collection tools. For 4 weeks, the Solar System and Beyond Unit were processed in the control group in accordance with the curriculum, while the experimental group was supported with augmented reality applications. The Astronomy Attitude Scale was applied as a pre-test to both groups before the application started. After the application, the same test was applied as a post-test to both groups. The obtained data were analyzed with SPSS 22 statistical package program and t-test was used in the evaluation of the obtained data. According to the results of the post-test scores of Astronomy Attitude Scale, a statistically significant relationship was found in favor of the experimental group. Accordingly, it has been shown that augmented reality applications improve the attitudes of middle school students towards astronomy.




How to Cite

KAYNAK, S. (2019). The Effect of Augmented Reality Applications on the Attitudes of Middle School Students towards Astronomy. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 14, 100–103. Retrieved from


