Analysis of Teacher Candidates Perception of Learning Theories in the Light of Anthropological Theory of Didactic

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  • Ebru VURAL


Anthropological theory of didactic, Teacher candidates perception, Learning theories


This research aims to determine the perceptions of prospective teachers of learning theories and the factors affecting the development of these perceptions. For this purpose, institutional and individual recognition (in termes of Antopological Theory of Didactic) related to university-level learning theories of prospective teachers were determined based on anthropological theory and the relationship between them was investigated. In this context, firstly, the sources belonging to the courses about the learning theories (lecturers' lecture notes, books, etc.) were analyzed using ecological and prakseological approaches. Then, in order to determine the knowledge level of the prospective teachers about learning theories, a success test consisting of open-ended questions developed by the researchers was applied.As a result of the study, it was determined that candidate teachers internalize behavioral learning theories but they have important difficulties related to other theories . According to this, the basic problems encountered in the individual definitions of these theories have been revealed and comporaed with the institutional definitions.Please use 14-point bold for your article title, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns. Please margin the article title to the center. Please use one blank line between all author names on the first page. All the authors of a paper should include their full names, affiliations, postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers and email addresses on the last page of the manuscript. One author should be identified as the Corresponding Author and has a contact email. An informative 10-point abstract (100 to 300 words) presenting the main points of the paper and conclusions. Please include descriptive keywords (up to 5). Separate keywords with a comma. Capitalize the first letter of each keyword (e.g., Science education, Survey development). Add your abstract here. Add your abstract here. Add your abstract here. Add your abstract here. Add your abstract here. Add your abstract here. Add your abstract here. 




How to Cite

VURAL, E., & SAGLAM ARSLAN, A. (2019). Analysis of Teacher Candidates Perception of Learning Theories in the Light of Anthropological Theory of Didactic. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 14, 104–108. Retrieved from


