Instructor Opinions about the Problems That the New Graduated Graphic Designers Experienced in Sector
Graphic designer, Graphic education, Design, Professional qualificationAbstract
Graphic artists had an important place in the art world with their own efforts and later with the help of organized schools and institutions. William Morris pioneered the movement began, Arts and Crafts school in England was followed by the Bauhaus in Germany. Famous artists such as Gropuis, Moholy Nagy, Kandisky, Klee have found new ways of expression by utilizing the unlimited possibilities of all kinds of techniques in art education schools and workshops, and have served the graphic art by transferring it to their students. In our country, there are many Faculties and Schools affiliated to the State and Foundation Universities providing education in the field of graphics. In this study, the views of faculty and high school students who took graphic education at higher education level after the graduation were included in the lecturers about the problems they experienced in the sector. It has been examined whether the course gains in the courses of schools can produce sufficient solutions to the problems that students may experience in their sectoral adaptation. The aim of this course is to provide the students with the suggestions and suggestions of the graphic designer candidates on the issues of printing and printing technologies. The study was carried out with the help of designer academic staff from the state and foundation universities which provide education in Ankara. The participants were asked about the problems related to the new graduate graphic designer candidates, whether the courses in the curriculum programs are sufficient, whether there are new course proposals, graphic terminology, prepress printing and post-printing processes and printing technology. The answers were evaluated and the results were evaluated.Downloads
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