Preservice primary mathematics teacher, mathematics lessons, mathematics teaching lessonsAbstract
The aim of this study is to explain the preservice primary mathematics teachers’ reasons of preferring this department and to define their opinions about mathematics and mathematics teaching lessons. For this reason it has been worked with 40 preservice teachers who are seniors at a state university’s Department of Primary Mathematics Education. In this study, in which qualitative research approach has been applied, the data is gathered by a questionnaire form including open-ended questions. Preservice teachers are asked their reasons of choosing this department, their ideas about ideal university lecturers, their opinions a about mathematics and mathematics teaching lessons, their suggestions about teaching process. The data gathered from the answer sheets has been analyzed by content analysis technique. Most of the students have chosen this department because of their love of mathematics. They have stated that they won’t use mathematics lessons in their professional life but still mathematics lessons are important for thinking in mathematical way. On the other hand, they have stated that mathematics teaching lessons have got great importance in their professions.Downloads
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