IT Strategic Planning and Process Framework for Ethiopian Higher Educational Institution

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  • Mary Charlemaine A. ABAS University of San Agustin
  • Patrick D. CERNA Federal Technological University


IT strategic planning, Process framework, CSF, Balance scorecard


Ethiopian Higher Educational Institution (EHEI) established an ICT Directorate office for each public universities, colleges and institute, with the same supervisory level as Dean of Colleges, Faculty and Institute to implement and integrates ICT in all aspects of educational system from teaching, learning and research. It has been established a university wide ICT Infrastructure and built capacity to serve the University core processes and outreach the external community with required ICT consultancy services and other research/development requirements. However, to date based on the existing literature and in the case of TVETI, there has been no common and uniform IT manual of policies for each above-mentioned department in ICT Directorate and up to today it has not been assimilated in Senate Legislation of each EHEI. This research study focus on effective IT strategy for the ICT Directorate aligned to the strategic targets and management of Ethiopian Higher Educational Institution (EHEI). The propose IT strategic plan will be included to the existing EHEI goals, objectives and action plan that will be given priority not only as a supporting services but important role in educational decision making and planning. The study aims at designing a IT strategic plan based on the framework as proposed by Alex Cullen and Marc Cecere. SWOT, Critical Success Factors (CSF) and IT Balanced Scorecard will be adopted to analyze the needs of IT in EHEI. This IT master plan will serve as a road map and ICT strategic development plan that will serves as guiding model strategic plan for the adoption, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of ICT services under ICT Directorate office of EHEI particular TVETI.




How to Cite

ABAS, M. C. A., & CERNA, P. D. (2019). IT Strategic Planning and Process Framework for Ethiopian Higher Educational Institution. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 15, 30–39. Retrieved from


