The Attitudes of Turkish Men towards Family Planning: An Example of Workers in a Railway Factory
Family planning, Men, Thought, Attitude, NursingAbstract
The aim of this study was to determine the attitudes of Turkish men towards family planning (FP). The research was conducted descriptively and cross-sectionally with a sample of 233 people working in a railway factory in Ankara. The data collection form and Family Planning Attitude Scale (FPAS) were used to collect the data. The mean age of the participants was 43.53 ± 7.86, and 58.4% were high school graduates. The highest score average possible in the FPAS was 170, whereas in this study, it was found to be 137.59 ± 20.20. The men scored 61.00 ± 10.61 in the “Attitude of Society towards FP” sub-dimensions; 44.61 ± 8.20 in the “Attitude towards FP methods” sub-dimension; and 31.97 ± 6.90 in the “Attitude towards Birth” sub-dimension of the FPAS. As a result of the research, it was seen that age, education, family structure and social security affect the attitude towards FP.Downloads
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