Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Review of Mathematics Education Literature
Technological pedagogical content knowledge, TPACK, Mathematics teachers, Pre-service mathematics teachersAbstract
In teacher education literature, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) was defined as the teacher knowledge required for successful technology integration. It is based on the notion of Pedagogical Content Knowledge, which elaborated the teacher knowledge in terms of content-specific pedagogy. Along with other areas, TPACK studies in mathematics education have gained momentum in recent years. This study aims to review the peer-reviewed articles published between 2005-2019, which examined mathematics and pre-service mathematics teachers’ TPACK under three main themes: an examination of TPACK studies based on its components, the development of TPACK and the strategies for developing TPACK. The findings indicated that the studies on TPACK mostly focused on general technological pedagogical knowledge without considering the content dimension. Another noteworthy issue is the large number of recent studies that have examined teacher and student beliefs as a component of TPACK. In contrast, assessment has been a neglected issue in TPACK studies. Finally, our investigation indicated a gap in the literature concerning strategies for developing TPACK.Downloads
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