Improve the Effectiveness of Mathematics Learning by Motivating Students
Mathematics learning, Students, MotivationAbstract
A lot of students have learning difficulties in mathematics because of both practical and emotional problems. All mathematics teachers have a challenge how help to students to solve this problem in learning mathematics. The aim of the research was, to give an answer to this question. If not a student ready to learn any subject in mentally, he or she can’t go further through the subject. No matter what is the subject or how many we use teaching or learning techniques. Therefore, students first should be ready to learn in mind. We can do it through the motivation. The research was based on this concept and it had been doing for 5 years, from 2014 to 2018. The targeted group was the students of grade 11 at T/Trincomalee Girls’ High School, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. This paper describes the most important activity in achieving the success of mathematics learning is, motivating students in every activity.Downloads
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