A Statistical Analysis of Factors Affecting Job Performance in Public Secondary Schools and Implication in Job Security in Zamfara, Nigeria
Statistical analysis, Job performance, Public, Secondary school, Job securityAbstract
The paper focus on the factor affecting public servants job performance. Specifically public secondary schools staff in Zamfara State will serve as the population. Five hundred (500) staffs will be randomly sampled from the three senatorial districts of the state. The sample comprise male and female staff and also academic and non-academic staff. Researchers developed questionnaire shall use for data collection and which will include staff bio-data, such as qualification, nature of appointment, years’ experience and also items on job satisfaction and security, research questions raised will be answered using frequency count, percentages, Means and standard deviation, while the research hypothesis will be tested using chi-squares statistics and t-test statistics. Bas on the findings from the study some recommendations will be advanced from the purpose of effective job performance and security by the public staff of schools in the state and to carry out similar studies job performance using different locations and staff of the state.Downloads
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