The Dynamics of Intrapersonal Conflict Resolution
Intrapersonal conflict, Conflict prevention, Conflict analysis and resolutionAbstract
Intrapersonal conflict in the conflict analysis and resolution field is not generally a prominent focus, as there have only been sporadic approaches to preventing, analyzing, and resolving internal conflicts within individuals over the last six decades since the development of the conflict resolution field. Conflicts are usually examined from interpersonal, community, and international frameworks. However, the need for continued research and discourse of intrapersonal conflict is vital to understanding the internal factors through micro-focused lenses that can help reduce the occurrences of external conflict. Traditionally, intrapsychic conflict is frequently mentioned within academia, as the origins of analyzing internal conflicts is often commonly observed from the psychology field. However, as humanity becomes more complex, intrapersonal conflict goes beyond the mind and takes the entirety of a person into consideration. A brief review and history of intrapersonal conflict is addressed, along with several frameworks and recent approaches that can help foster resiliency and cultivate internal peace within individuals.Downloads
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