Teacher, good teacher, preservice teacherAbstract
The opinions of preservice primary mathematics teachers about the qualities that a good teacher need to have and how they can use these qualities in teaching programmes have been searched at this work. The research has been held with 6 students who attend the 4th grade at Primary Mathematics Teaching Department on the educational curriculum of 2012-2013. Case study method, which is a design of qualitative research design, has been used in this research. The data have been gathered by using the semi-structured interviewing technique and semi-structured interview forms. The interview with the preservice teachers has taken place before the Teaching Practice Lesson, and then their teaching samples have been observed. The correlation between what they have cited during the interview and the observation results have been examined. The in data analysis process and descriptive expressions have been used when analysing the data. It has been identified that a good teacher should have these qualities: communicative skills, material usage, improving himself/herself, time management, eradicating contential mistakes, attracting the students’ interest in conclusion of the research. According to the findings from the observation, it has been seen that the preservice teachers have problems at time management.Downloads
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