The Effect of Digital Learning Environments on the Learning Teaching Process
Digitization, learning, teaching, process, teacher.Abstract
It can be said that the changes that have occurred in many areas of life from the past to the present in the world have an effect on the different reactions of human beings. These reactions had positive developments as well as negative repercussions. One of these developments is that digital environments have come to the fore with the introduction of technology into human life. According to some experts, it has been emphasized in the studies that these environments save people from their physical burden and cause them to face many threats. In this study, the education dimension of digitalization was evaluated. In the study, the effect of digital learning environments prepared in educational institutions on the learning - teaching process was evaluated in line with the opinions of the teachers who manage the process. This study is a case study prepared in line with the qualitative research method. In the study, it was stated that the teachers who contributed with their opinions have remarkable perceptions about the subject, based on the findings obtained as a result of the study.Downloads
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