Social and Individual in the Education Vision of 20th Century - An Analyse of the History Textbooks

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  • Carmen ALEXANDRACHE Dunarea de Jos Unicersity of Galati



Ideology, Individuality, Social attitude, History schoolbooks


Our paper proposes a theoretic approach of the education in Romanian society, especially of the study of history, from the communist regime until nowadays. For this issue, we analyzed the history school textbooks which were edited in 20th century to be used in the secondary and higher schools. The schoolbook is an education tool which has in general a bigger impact to students’ consciousness and behavior. Our study starts from the premise that the schoolbooks have been also an important ideological tool, used by the politic regime to influence the social attitude. As a consequence, the schoolbooks need to be analyzed from the political intentions. The paper proposes some notices focused on the understanding of the vulnerability concept from the political ideology perspective, the evolution of it, as it is reflected by the history schoolbooks speaking about society and individual. For this reason, we think our paper is a real support of the actual theoretical and practical concerns about the modern and equitable social principles. Our notices can contribute to increase the quality of human interactions, to social responsibility and to promote a correct connection between vulnerability and social attitude in actual human society.




How to Cite

ALEXANDRACHE, C. (2021). Social and Individual in the Education Vision of 20th Century - An Analyse of the History Textbooks. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 21, 15–24.


