Safeguarding Built Heritage: Economic and Financial Aspects

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  • Svetlana ALBU Technical University of Moldova
  • Ion ALBU Technical University of Moldova
  • Doina-cezara ALBU Technical University of Moldova



Financing sources, Taxation, Financing schemes, Project, Legislation


The architectural heritage is one of the structural elements of the nation with an enormous energy potential for spiritual development and national consciousness in the multitude of nations, and ethnic groups in the world; as well as an anchor in the wave of change generated by the globalization process. A major impediment to safeguarding the pact is the lack of financial means. The protection and maintenance of architectural monuments were and are expensive. In this research, the authors set out to examine the experience of different countries on how to finance rehabilitation, restoration, conservation, maintenance and/or revitalization of built heritage. Economic aspects of heritage safeguarding applied in the Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Turkey, the USA are examined. Economic and financial measures for safeguarding heritage are identified at the country, municipality (locality) and object level. The state of the existing built heritage in the municipality is analyzed. Chisinau, the capital of the Republic of Moldova, has the economic situation and the existing potential within the current legal framework. The correlation between the state of the object, the type of intervention required and the potential, sources, and financing modalities are highlighted. The opportunities and impediments to the implementation of economic and financial measures to safeguard the heritage in the conditions of the Republic of Moldova are assessed.




How to Cite

ALBU, S., ALBU, I., & ALBU, D.- cezara. (2022). Safeguarding Built Heritage: Economic and Financial Aspects. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 24, 84–93.


