ICT, social work, practice, ethicAbstract
There is a tendency to see a new development in the field of ICT-s, and possibly taking advantages of this new technology can be brought to social work. Social work faces a critical need to incorporate ICTs into training social workers, delivering social work services, and the conduct of social work research. The increasing use of ICTs in social work raises some new questions in relation with confidentiality, privacy and data security. Regardless of the level of practice, ICTs will continue influencing the careers of social workers and the clients they serve. Social workers recognize the central importance of human relationships but in the same time social workers need to have an understanding of the roles that such ICTs may play in the lives of their clients. This paper also identifies potential pitfalls and challenges with respect to the adoption of ICT, with recommendations for advancing their use in practice, education. Social workers also need ICT competencies in order to effectively lead different types of social change initiatives or collaborate with professionals of other disciplines who are using ICTs as part of existing strategies.Downloads
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