Effectiveness of the Formal Aspect of the Torrance Test Identifying Levels of Creative Thinking among Tenth Grade Students: A Case Study
Torrance test, Creative thinking, Higher Order ThinkingAbstract
This qualitative study aims to identify levels of creative thinking, including the skills of fluency, originality, details and flexibility, among a group of tenth grade students in Palestine from Jerusalem and Ramallah schools, according to the gender variable, using the formal aspect of the Torrance test of creative thinking. The study sample consisted of students females selected from Secondary School for Girls and males from one of the Excellence School. The results differences in the degree of originality, flexibility and details in favor of female students, and a difference in the degree of fluency in favor of male students, which reflects the societal context with regard to their creative thinking skills. In light of these findings, the researchers recommend the manner of presenting the educational curricula be reconsidered and that teachers be given training in the use of creative thinking strategies and enrichment activities during the presentation of educational content, thus also enhancing creativity among their students.Downloads
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