Assemblage Art's Visual Stimulators Based on the Recycling of Musical Instruments as an Experimental Approach to Design
Assemblage art, Design values, Recycling, Sustainable development, Visual artAbstract
Assemblage, doubtlessly, is a special form of art that still holds a culture of rapid age which shows a big change in an artist’s attitude towards the society he lives in, as well as his persistent desire to change and experiment. It was started when Schwitters added discarded objects to his “Merz” series manifesting reality to his artistic plain. Meanwhile, Picasso was taken by deconstructing shapes and re-embodying them in cardboard. Perhaps the visual appeal motive of recycling used materials has a lot of passion and joy unexpectedly resulting each time a new life is given to throwaway objects. According to the Art Education culture and its dedicated objectives of recycling and achieving sustainable development of artwork, in addition to the fact that Design is a fertile field to employ many types of art, this paper and research utilized used and damaged musical instruments as creative inputs and starting points to Artwork Design Composition.Downloads
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