The Usefulness of Activity Evaluation and Feedback Tool (AEFT) and Its Potential to Evaluate and Give Feedback to Practitioners
Mathematical activity, AEFT, Activity-based learningAbstract
Activity and activity-based learning is one of the important fields of study that remains up-to-date in the mathematics education community. In the context of activity-based learning, it makes it necessary to evaluate the quality of the design and implementation of activities. Within this framework, Bozkurt, Özmantar, Agaç and Güzel (2022) developed the Activity Evaluation and Feedback Tool (AEFT). The purpose of this study is to examine the usefulness of the AEFT tool and its potential to provide evaluation and feedback to practitioners. Within the scope of the tool, the activity text and application processes, which are the basis for activity-based teaching, were dimensioned and indicators related to each dimension were created. The study was carried out in the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. The study group consists of 12 secondary school mathematics teachers. Teachers were asked to apply this activity in their classrooms by choosing or developing an activity. Then, they were asked to evaluate these design and implementation processes with AEFT. According to the findings obtained from the research, AEFT has been found to be useful and has the potential for evaluation and feedback. It has also been seen that AEFT offers a clear performance target for agreed standards. The AEFT provides an opportunity to evaluate and give feedbacks to the users on activity scripts and on the implementation process along with the mathematical potential of both dimensions. As a result, it can be said that the performance criteria in AEFT can be used by mathematics teachers to evaluate the quality of activity processes.Downloads
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