Diversity Management is the Core Area to Improve Learning Outcomes for All Children in Nepal
Diversity, Individual differences, Individual learning needs, Teaching learning materials, OpportunityAbstract
Nepal is a country of diversity in terms of ideological, cultural, religious, caste, geographical and sexual orientation, ethnicity, class, and language. Diversity is not merely a problem, it is an opportunity for exploring the creativity of individuals who have cultural, racial, physical, and ethnic differences. In this context, this abstract aims to share the role of teachers in diversity management in the classroom to address the individual's learning needs. I have selected the practices being used in the early-grade classrooms to address diversity in the Nepalese context. Headteacher, the teacher, the parents, and the students are the beneficiary and key respondents of this study. School is an extremely important place for students to feel safe and comfortable. In order to learn, students need an environment that makes them feel welcome. If a student feels unsafe and insecure, they will not be able to focus on learning. Students with a diverse cultural background may feel that they stand out alone in the classroom, they may feel underrepresented in the teaching materials, etc. Children with diverse backgrounds may then feel unsafe and uncomfortable in a classroom when they don’t feel that their diversity is seen or valued. Racial, cultural, and gender differences are important factors in a person's identity, and it's extremely valuable for teaching to help students understand differences better. Efforts that teachers make to improve diversity in the classroom can benefit all learners in a variety of ways. From pre-primary students to high school students, it is always a good time for teaching to focus on racial and culturally unique differences in the past, present, and future. It can benefit diverse students who need to be represented and accepted and can help all students learn from unique perspectives and increase their understanding.Downloads
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