Foreign Language Learning in a Digital Environment - Results from a Primary Research
Digitalisation, Digital education, Innovation, TechnologyAbstract
Education is a priority for all national economies. The current rapid changes are taking place in all areas of our lives. In today's globalised world, language skills, their development and their use at a skill level are essential. We all feel the need for renewal. Over the last two decades, technological factors such as computers, the games industry and the internet, as well as social factors like family, friends and society, have influenced the way children think and behave. Education is an area where innovation is needed for a number of reasons. It provides solutions to the challenges of the new age. For the digital natives of Generation Z, digital tools and methods have become part of everyday life. However, the introduction of innovation-related initiatives and methods is a complex and difficult process. Education professionals are still divided on digital education and digitally-enabled learning materials. The present study aims to present a picture of present student and teacher attitudes towards digital education.Downloads
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