The Criteria for Reliability
Reliable product, Value for money, Product quality, Satisfaction, Product sampling, RecommendationAbstract
We conducted a large sample representative survey to get a deeper understanding of the Hungarian population's opinion on what makes them think a product or service is trustworthy. The main objective of the research is to design the Reliable Product Rewards Programme around a set of research-acceptable metrics that are valid and acceptable to all in 2021 and beyond. The University of Óbuda will participate in the development of the Reliable Product reward scheme in the future. When assessing the reliability criteria, 6 out of 10 factors were included. Based on the results of the research, it is proposed that the following 6 factors should be included in the Reliable Product reward system: 1. product value for money 2. product quality 3. recommendation by others (acquaintances, friends, family) 4. satisfaction with the product, after previous tasting/use 5. trial, during previous tasting/use. In our further research, familiarity will be considered as a separate dimension 0 as a filtering criterion in the reward system.Downloads
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