Analyzing the Self-Assessment on the Vocational Qualifications by Age and Gender: The Example of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Vocational qualifications, Gender, Geographical information systems, GIS ProgramsAbstract
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are widely used in various sectors and disciplines. Therefore, many individuals of different ages and genders are currently employed in this area. Although specific vocational standards and qualifications are developed for professionals, individuals' self-evaluations, which are highly dependent on the diversity of variables, are essential for quality. Within this frame, this paper aims to analyze the self-assessment perceptions of graduates from GIS programs regarding age and gender. An online survey based on 43 performance criteria within the vocational qualification units was developed as the data collection tool, and the participants were requested to rate each criterion on a 5-point Likert scale. The average age of the 174 people who participated in the study was 35.75 (SD = 7), while the ages of the participants ranged from 23 to 53 (m = 35,75). There were 115 male participants (66.1%) and 59 female participants (33.9%). The results showed that there is not any relation between age and the self-efficacy levels of vocational qualifications (p>0.05). When the t-test results were examined for the comparison of the self-efficacy levels of vocational qualifications according to the gender of the participants, no significant difference was observed. To sum up, within the scope of GIS Specialist National Competence, the vocational qualifications self-efficacy perceptions of graduates from GIS are not affected by gender and are not related to age.Downloads
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