The Way to Develop a Project Mindset according to Secondary School Students
Project, Project approach, Education, Efficiency, STEMAbstract
The 21st century has brought many changes to our lives. The pandemic and the major changes that followed have affected our daily lives. Many competences have come to the fore that were previously secondary in the world of work. These competences include project thinking and thinking in terms of projects. Project thinking is not a stand-alone concept, but a complex set of competences that encompasses a number of other competences. It includes teamwork, communication, time management, insight, flexibility or even agility and time management. A project approach is nowadays not only needed in the world of work, but many school tasks can be defined as projects, leading students to succeed in real life. The aim of this study is to present the project approach and its different dimensions, based on the perceptions of secondary school students and the results of a questionnaire survey. The paper aims to shed light on the different aspects of the project approach, highlighting the areas and directions that need improvement and which could be the key to the future.Downloads
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