ICT knowledge and skills, ICT in teaching, modeling with structural equationsAbstract
Intensive and rapid development of ICT lead to popularization and necessity of its use, and changes in all spheres including education as a process. A research was conducted in order to ensure valid and reliable assessment of the extent and nature of ICT knowledge and skills of teachers in primary schools, to identify the factors that affect the frequency of use of ICT in teaching and to identify strategies for enhancing development effectiveness future. The research surveyed 214 teachers from 10 primary schools in the Southeast region of Macedonia. Technique Modeling of Structural Equations was used to determine the relative strength of the factors affecting the frequency of use of ICT in teaching. The results show that the highest percentage of 58.4 % of the teachers often use ICT in teaching, 33.6 % rarely use ICT, 7 % of respondents use ICT at all times, and only 0.9 % do not use ICT for teaching purposes. ICT competencies of teachers, number of training, years of computer use, possession of personal computer and having Internet at home proved as influential factors for ICT usage frequency in teaching. The survey results were analyzed using SPSS 19, Excel and Amos Graphics 18.Downloads
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