Community Information Group and Digital Literacy: Phenomenological Approach in KIM Karangbesuki, Malang, Indonesia
Community information group, Digital literacy, PhenomenologyAbstract
This study investigates the variety of programs and the meaning of members of the Community Information Group (CIG) as administrators and contributors to digital literacy. This is related to the CIG event in Karangbesuki subdistrict, which won the local CIG competition named KIM Award 2022 and was selected the best CIG in Malang City, Indonesia. A review of the literature shows that CIG has made a positive contribution to increasing digital literacy in society. Therefore, it is interesting to explore how the main actors interpret programs related to digital literacy. This research is qualitative with Husserl's phenomenological approach, including perception, intentionality, awareness, reality constitution, and intersubjectivity. Data was collected through interviews with administrators and contributors, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using an interactive model that included data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that KIM Karangbesuki had three programs, namely: social media, citizen coverage, and training. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the constitution of reality is the most important phenomenological aspect.Downloads
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