Challenges of Blended versus Online Learning with Arduino for Teachers and Students
Online learning, Arduino, Tinkercad, Virtual classroom, Learning satisfactionAbstract
The paper provides a comparative analysis of blended learning versus fully online learning of informatics course using Arduino. The aim of the research is to find out which teaching method leaves students more satisfied in learning the basics of electronics and programming. Until the Covid-19 pandemic, teaching took place in a computer classroom, with project-based learning in teams, while all teaching materials were uploaded to Moodle e-course. The advantages of blended learning on Arduino projects are active learning by doing, student collaboration and peer learning, the physical presence of the teacher with his immediate feedback and support. The disadvantages are the limited time to complete the Arduino projects, the need for a sufficient number of Arduino kits, the possibility of hardware failure, and the uneven contributions of student team members. Due to the transition to fully online teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Autodesk Tinkercad Circuits web-based software was chosen. This software provides a virtual Arduino simulator for creating, programming and testing Arduino circuits, and managing a virtual classroom. The advantages of online learning with Arduino are increased effort and motivation of individual students, avoidance of electronic component failures and reduced frustration due to errors. The disadvantages are technical problems, communication problems, such as the lack of direct contact with the teacher and each other, and the lack of development of practical skills. Nevertheless, the research of two generations of first-year students of informatics (N=72) shows that they are more satisfied with online learning on Arduino projects than with blended learning, and this difference is statistically significant (t(70)=3.91; p<0.01). Therefore, Tinkercad Circuits can be used as an educational tool in regular classes to make learning the basics of electronics and programming more interesting and successful.Downloads
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