A Systematic Literature Review: Utilization of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Geography Education in the 21st Century
Geography education, Systematic literature review, Geographic information systemAbstract
Nowadays, the development of information and communication technology is running very rapidly. Geography education has a prominent role in ecosystem sustainability and cultural development, which is influenced by geographic data. Learning in the 21st Century with technological developments has increased. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become essential in changing how geography is understood and supported in the 21st century. Therefore, this research was conducted to investigate the role of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in improving the quality of geography education. This research uses the PRISMA 2020 systematic literature review method using Scopus and Google Scholar as the database. A total of 101 articles were collected, but only 12 articles met the criteria for qualitative-thematic analysis. Research findings based on a systematic literature review state that there are two subject areas for using GIS in geography education: secondary schools and higher education. GIS in secondary school-level geography teaching, focuses on the output of increasing students' understanding and knowledge of spatial thinking. The aim of implementing GIS in higher education places greater emphasis on practical benefits in future geographic education development.Downloads
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