Youth Socio-Cultural Literacy towards Implementing Culture Preservation of Karangbesuki Temple
Sociocultural literacy, Culture preservation, TempleAbstract
Socio-cultural background as a factor in social life can provide direction for how the community preserves local culture. The lack of knowledge about the existence of the Karangbesuki Temple site can be a sign that the socio-cultural literacy of the temple is still poor. Based on the conditions above, the priority of this research is to find out how the socio-cultural literacy of youth is related to the digital preservation of Karangbesuki Temple culture. This qualitative study used a phenomenological approach with five young people in the Karangbesuki area as informants. The characteristics of the management of Karangbesuki Temple still use the concept of self-help, so it does require community involvement, especially local communities. Karangbesuki youth, as members of the community, can help promote the site and learn to carry on oral traditions and justify history for the cultural preservation of Karangbesuki Temple. Impressive research findings show that the socio- cultural literacy of youth in the Karangbesuki area has made youth willing to carry out cultural preservation at Karangbesuki Temple. Youth also do not hesitate to make the history of Karangbesuki Temple their identity or attribute. Karangbesuki youth can be said to have been quite good at socio-cultural literacy which implements the culture preservation of Karangbesuki Temple. Youth have high knowledge about how they can play a role and act as successors to local culture. One proof of the results of this knowledge is the creation of a promotional video for the temple and the participation of youth in cultural activities and discussions. PPBI, as a facilitator of cultural knowledge of Karangbesuki Temple, also works with youth to be better at preserving the culture of the Karangbesuki Temple site.Downloads
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